Bharatiya Temple
Chapters 1-18
With Sree Vishnu Sahasranama Sthotram followed by Arti
Geeta Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Geeta, the sacred text of the Hindus. It is celebrated on the
Shukla Ekadashi, 11th day of the waxing moon of Margashirsha month (December) in the Hindu
calendar. “The Peace of God is with them whose Mind and Soul are in Harmony, who are free from the
Desire & Wrath, who know their own Soul by Meditation.” Just as the Mahabharata battle was about to
start, Arjuna told his friend Lord Krishna of his sudden change of heart, and turned to Him for advice.
Bhagavad Gita is the conversation that ensued. Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to get up and fight. Arjuna
was told to act like a surgeon. If a person has a serious tumor and if it is not cut out, it will harm the
person and his family. Arjuna’s fight was for Dharma. He was fighting against exploitation and greed,
which were represented by Duryodhana and his brothers. Focus on your action and not on the results.
Do not attach yourself to inaction, Be fearless. Give-up Three gateways to the hell – Lust, Greed, and Anger
मात्रास्पर्ाास्तुकौन्तेय र्ीतोष्णसु
खद :
ुखदा :|
आगमापाययनोऽयनत्यास्ताांस्स्तयतक्षस्व भारत || 14||
Tells you that nothing is permanent in this world, even the COVID-19. All seasons are temporary in
nature. Similarly, pain and pleasure are impermanent (anityāḥ). They will come (āgama) and go away
(anityāḥ).Tough time’s will come and go away. Learn to tolerate them without being affected by them.
So do not worry! Learn to regulate your mind and not the other way. Do not let your mind control your
life. Take control of your own hands. Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more,
but those giving more. PLEASE DONATE TEMPLE - B-TEMPL.ORG.
Bhagavad Gita that is about stability in life
Committee: Nand Todi: 215- 699-0406; T.Sarada: 215- 674-9573; Padma ben: 215-362-7418;
Neeta Sharma: 732-543-4892; Niranjan Samant: 215-393-1280 ; Mukesh Dave: 267-342-4524 ;Alli Natesh: 267-546-7711;
Jay shah : 732-421-7863 ; Vaishal Shah: 484-683-5813 ; Santi Kanumalla : 610-322-3181
More Info. contact: Praveen Sharma: 215-361-0145; Hema C : 610-239-7839; Rita :610-275-7472, Poornima : 267-269-5971