Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Happy Mahashivaratri.

 We wish you and your family a Happy Mahashivaratri. May we reflect upon the wisdom and discipline given to us by Lord Shiva. Let us worship Him during this divine time and remember the knowledge He has bestowed upon us.
Shivena vachasa tva giri shacchavadamasi | 
 Yatha nah sarvam ijjaga dayakshmam
sumana asatthu || 
 "Lord of Mount Kailash of the Vedas! We pray to attain You by our auspicious words. We ask that for all our days, this entire world will be free from ills and discord, and that we may live in amity and concord."
- Sri Rudram, Yajurved
       Before worshipping Rudra, one should become Rudra.
 "naa rudrO rudramarchayEt".
  It is usual to say,"dehO dEvaalayah prOktO dEvO jeevah sadaashivahatyajEdagnaana nirmaalyam sOham bhaavEna poojayEt"(My body is the temple. Jeeva is Sadaashiva. Removing the dirt of Ajnaana and assuming that I am that sadaashiva, I worship Him.).

             Shivratri is the time when Shiva takes a rest. Shiva rests for one 'prahar' (three hours) of the night. This 'prahar' is referred to as the Shivratri. When Lord Shiva takes rest, the function of 'Shivtatva' (Shiva Principle) ceases, i.e. Lord Shiva goes into a meditative state. Shiva's meditative state is the time when He is engrossed in His own spiritual practice. During that time, the 'Shivtatva' does not accept any tamogun (most base of the 3 elements in us - sattva, raja & tama) or any halahal (venom churned from the ocean) coming from the Universe. As a result, the ratio of halahal or the pressure of the negative energies increases. For protection from this pressure, things like 'bilva patra', white flowers, 'rudraksha' beads etc are offered to Lord Shiva. These things attract the 'Shivtatva' from the atmosphere, thus providing protection from the increasing effect of the negative energies. The Earth is a gross object. Gross objects have very low velocities i.e. they require more time to cover a specific distance in space. Gods on the other hand, are subtle hence they are capable of traversing space within a few seconds. That is why one year on the earth is equivalent to just one day of heaven. - Brahma-tatva (18.02.2004, 3.05 p.m.)

Science in the worship of Lord Shiva on Mahashivratri

The function of the 'Shivpindi' Shivlinga

Image result for shivlinga picture

1. Emitting waves of Knowledge, Devotion and renunciation

Predominantly 'sattva' waves of knowledge, 'raja' waves of devotion and 'tama' waves of Renunciation (Vairagya) are emitted by the 'Shivpindi'. During Mahashivratri, the emission increases by 30 percent.

2. Emission of subtle vibrations of chaitanya, bliss and peace

The 'Shivpindi' emits subtle vibrations of chaitanya, bliss and peace. During the Mahashivratri, the emission increases by 25 percent. This helps purify the subtle-body of one who worships the Shivpindi on this day. The 'sun' or the 'moon' channels in the body get activated as per necessity. The capacity to absorb the sattvaguna and chaitanya also increases. Due to the presence of the unmanifest Shiva principle in the Shivpindi and the vibrations of peace emitted, the Shivpindi remains cool and the mind too experiences peace. Worship of Shivpindi with devotion, activates the dormant Shiva principle. An offering of puffed rice and milk reaches Lord Shiva in the subtle form.

3. Receiving the 'tarak or marak tatva (element)' as required

There is a confluence of the manifest and the unmanifest elements along with the 'tarak and marak tatva' in the Shivpindi. (Tarak = Saviour; Marak = Destroyer). That is how worshipers receive the required element. The temperature of the Shivpindi increases due to the emission of the marak tatva and there one experiences bliss. Similarly, when the tarak tatva is emitted, the temperature drops and one experiences peace and bliss.

Bilvapatra (Bel leaves)

                  Bilvapatra contains 2% Shiva tatva. By offering bilvapatra to the Shivpindi on Mahashivratri, the manifest Shiva tatva near the stalk of the bilvapatra gets activated. Due to this, waves of chaitanya as well as Shiva tatva are emitted by the bilvapatra. The bilvapatra attracts 20% of the Shiva tatva present in the Shivpindi towards itself. By immersing this bilvapatra in water or by placing it in grains, the Shiva tatva present in the bilvapatra is transmitted to them. The Shiva tatva in the bilvapatra is activated to a larger extent on Mondays when it transmits 10% of the Shiva tatva and sattvikta. On other days only 1% of the Shiva tatva is activated in the bilvapatra.


Offering bilvapatra to the Shivpindi and chanting the mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' with each offering is known as bilvarchan. Continue offering the bilvapatra until the pindi is completely covered. Offer the bilvapatra from the lower part of the pindi. By starting from the feet of the idol, more benefit is derived and the idol can be covered completely. - Brahma-tatva (22.02.2004, 9.30 p.m.)

Chanting on Mahashivratri 'Om Namah Shivaya'

Om represents an unmanifest state beyond the 3 gunas (elements of sattva, raja & tama). We bow to Lord Shiva, from whom Om was created.
Naampatti made by Sanatan Sanstha Seekers to remind Naamjap
What does the word 'Shiva' mean?
a.The word Shiva has been derived by reversing the letters of the word vash. Vash means to enlighten; thus the one who enlightens is Shiva. He remains radiant and also illuminates the universe.

b. He is the auspicious and prosperity-bestowing principle. 
Mrtyunjaya Mahaa Mantra
                   The Mrtyunjaya-maha-mantra, which is found in the Mahānārāyaṇopaniṣat and chanted as part of ŚrīRudram, is said to eradicate diseases, pain, sufferings and death:
Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe SugandhiM Pushti-vardhanam Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan- Mrityor-muksheeyamaamRtaat - Om (for chanting Purpose only)
Om. We worship the Three-eyed One [Lord Shiva], the One of sublime fragrance who is the source of all vitality, growth and splendour. Just as a ripe cucumber is plucked from its vine, May we be freed from death not from Immortality.
A procedure, Trayambak Homa, is associated with this. It consists of an offering of drops of cow ghee on a fire, in a havan kund (sacrificial fire-pot), that uses ghee soaked cow dung as fuel. During this procedure, a prayer is said, a swaha:
Swaha Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe SugandhiM Pushti-vardhanam Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaan- Mrityor-muksheeyamaamRtaat - swaha
Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe SugandhiM sadhana-vardhanam Urvaarukamiva Yonani- Mrityor-muksheeyamaamRtaat - swaha
Om. We worship the Three-eyed One (Lord Shiva), the One of sublime fragrance who is the source of all vitality, growth and splendor. Just as your ripe cucumber grows in its vine, May we receive the shower of vitality and be liberated from death not from immortality.