Monday, November 24, 2014

U-PENN -- 19th Annual Peace around the World -- Saturday, December 6, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm READ MORE FOR DIRECTION
Saturday, December 6, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
19th Annual Peace around the World
Guests of all ages are invited for the free 19th annual "Peace around the World" holiday celebration. Visitors receive Museum "passports for peace" upon arrival, then "depart" on a world tour throughout the Museum's galleries to explore holiday festivals, history, cuisine, and traditions from China, Haiti, India, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, and Russia. In the spirit of cultural understanding, this joyful and distinctively international celebration includes family crafts to share personal wishes for a peaceful world. Free admission. Supported in part by the William M. King Charitable Foundation, the Women's Committee of the Penn Museum, and CxRA. Rita Sheth and Sudha Ganesh, Bhartiya Vidalaya Cultural Center, focus on Diwali—the Festival of Lights. During Diwali, lights are lit to celebrate the victory of good over evil and welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Ms. Sheth, originally from Gujarat, India, introduces Garba—the folk dance of Gujarat (a Western Indian state) and a traditional dance of Diwali. Ms. Ganesh, originally from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, demonstrates the arts of sari-wrapping and Rangoli (sand art).

11:00 am – Storyteller Michele Belluomini of Blue Deer Storytelling recounts tales of peace and cooperation

11:30 am – Performance: Popular holiday and children's songs 
12:00 pm – "Celebrations, Past and Present" guided family tour: the Native American Voices exhibition, plus the Africa and Greek galleries 
1:00 pm – Performance by the Episcopal Academy Middle School Singers and Middle School Chamber Ensemble 
1:30 pm – Culinary Expeditions food tour with Museum docent and storyteller Michele Belluomini 
2:00 pm – Performance: Popular holiday and children's songs
2:45 pm – Dance performance: the Bhartiya Vidalaya Cultural Center presents traditional dances from India
3:00 pm – "Celebrations, Past and Present" guided family tour: the Native American Voices exhibition, plus the Africa and Greek galleries
1:00 pm – Face painting, balloon art, make-and-take crafts
Free cupcakes for children (while supplies last)
10% Holiday discounts in the Museum Shop (20% for Museum members; 15% for Penn staff and students, University of Pennsylvania Health System, and Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania staff with PennCard or employee ID)
3260 South Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 898-4000


In an effort to encourage green ways of getting to the Museum, we have installed brand new bike racks at the Daniel G. Kamin Entrance. We're also conveniently located across from the University City Regional Rail station.
                   The Penn Museum is located at 3260 South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 at the intersection of Spruce Street and 33rd Street. Nearby landmarks include Franklin Field, across South Street, and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, across 34th Street. Click here to get directions on Penn's website.
 FROM RT-76 Center City Philadelphia 
Take the Walnut Street Bridge to 34th Street and turn left on 34th Street. Turn left on Spruce Street which turns into South Street after you cross 33rd Street. The Museum will be on your right. 
1) Garage 7, located at the corner of South Streets and Convention Avenue, just east of the Penn Museum. Parking can be limited with garage filling early—usually by 7:30 am, some spots reopening after 10:30 am.
Regular Daily Rate (no discounts offered): $21 Monday through Friday, Early morning to 5:00 pm. 
Evening and Weekend Rate (except for special event parking days): $11 after 5:00 pm.
Special Event Parking: (including annual Penn Relays, other Penn Athletics Programming). Special event parking prices differ from everyday prices.
2) The Penn Tower Parking Garage, adjacent to the Museum has limited parking. 

3) Lot 37 at 34th and Chestnut Streets is available Monday through Friday. Lot 37 is closed on weekends. 

4) Other pay lots are in the vicinity and metered parking is available on some streets nearby. 
The following lots are available to the public after
 5:00 PM during the week for a $7.00 flat rate:
·         Lot 19 – 34th & Chestnut ($8.00 flat rate on weekends)
·         Lot 23 – 38th & Sansom ($7.00 flat rate on weekends)
·         Lot 39 – 33rd & Ludlow ($8.00 flat rate on weekends)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Education committee community needs assessment and volunteer form --Please fill up and help us to develop

                                 Bharatiya Cultural Center
Education committee community needs assessment and volunteer form

Name: _____ ______________________        __How would you like to contacted: _ ________
Your Profession: __________________________________________
Languages spoken: ______________________
Tele #’s : (    )_____________________Email ID :(ALL CAP)_______________________________

Please circle YES/NO to following question which you like to do it:
Do You Need Transportation?    Yes /  No          For Transp. Would You Pay:  Yes / No
Gita Study Group  Interested?   Yes /  No           Gita Chanting or  Satsang :    Yes / No
Yoga and Meditation Classes:     Yes /  No           Are you able to give ride:      Yes / No
Do  You Like Satsang Monthly-Weekly   Yes / No  Willing To Pay For Satsang:  Yes / No

When:    Monday   Tuesday    Wednesday   Thursday    Friday    Saturday   Sunday
Time  :      Morning             Afternoon          Evening   

Library:   Would You Use Temple Premises To READ or Take  BOOKS at Home: Temple / Home         
                    Pay yearly membership Dues:  Yes / No   Amount:    (suggested donation)________
Area of Interests: your wish to HELP  OR  DO : Circle all that apply Please:
·         Teach Yoga/ Meditation OR  Do Yoga/ Meditation ( every Sunday 10 a.m – 12)
·         Help in the Library   OR   Take home, books to read
·         Bhagavad Gita" Chanting  or Different study Groups ( check our web)
·         Lectures by  relating to Indian History & culture young & Adults
·         SAT classes/Student : ____   or  SAT Teacher : Yes/ No
·         Arrange Any Satsang OR  Like to  Attend  the  Satsag or Education Lectures
·         Weekly  or Once a Month Satsang Willing To Come?:  Yes / No

Email to:  BTIEDU11@AOL.COM      OR      Mail to : Bharatiya Temple   or drop in BTI office                                                                                           
                                                                                   Attn:    Educational Committee (Rita. Sheth)
                                                                                   P. O. Box #  463,  Montgomeryville, PA 18936


Thursday, November 20, 2014


भारतीय मंदिर
१६१२, काउंटी लाइन रोड
शैलफ़ॉन्ट, पेन्सिल्वेनिआ १८९१४: फोन २१५-९९७-११८१ 215-997-1181

बृहस्पतिवार, २० नवंबर, २०१४ :०० बजे सांय - :३० बजे सांय
20 नवंबर, 2014 7:00 बजे सांय - 8:30 बजे सांय

चर्चा का विषय: भगवद्गीता अध्याय : कर्म सन्यास योग श्लोक २५-४२

  ४.३१ जो यज्ञ की भावना से कर्म नहीं करता, उसे क्या मिलता है ?
  ४.३४ गुरु से ज्ञान कैसे प्राप्त किया जाए ?
  ४.३७ ज्ञानाग्नि और कर्मफल में क्या संबंध है ?
  ४.३८ ज्ञान प्राप्त करने का क्या उपाय है ?
  ४.३९ ज्ञान प्राप्त करने से क्या लाभ है ?

परिवार के अन्य सदस्यों एवं मित्रों के साथ आएँ तथा सत्संग का लाभ उठाएँ
With your question ??   CHAPTER # 4
Chapter 4. Transcendental Knowledge
·         Gita is the mother of all modern sciences
·         This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, and the saintly kings understood it in that way. However, in course of time, the succession was broken, and therefore the science as it is appears to be lost. very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend; therefore, you can understand the transcendental mystery of this science
·         One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.
Dr. Albert Schweitzer :”The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.”

                          MK Gandhi (1869 - 1948), India’s “Father of the Nation,” who spearheaded the country’s Freedom Movement for Independence from British Rule is known for his famous words of wisdom on God, life and religion. Here are some of the most noteworthy ones…
Contact: Rita Sheth (610) 275-7472 or,  Raju :

Chetan Yojna: 215-393-0102                      Nilima Mallya: 215-208-5814             

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Huntingdon Valley Library

Huntingdon Valley Library
625 Red Lion Road, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
Phone 215-947-5138   Fax 215-938-5894

May 16, 2013

Dear  Rita Sheth,

Thank you for sharing your talented dancing with the Huntingdon Valley community.  Your performance expressed great love, respect and pride for your culture.

This is the Library’s third year of events aimed at promoting a better understanding of the various cultures represented by people who live within the Huntingdon Valley area.  With tremendous help from the Bharatiya Temple, the Library has been able to share the dance, religion, spices and food of India with our patrons.  Thank you for your part in this month of events.

You have brought so much understanding of your community to our community. 

With sincerest thanks,

Sharon Moreland-Sender

Library Director

Thursday, November 13, 2014

In celebration of Geeta Jayanti Chanting Bhagavad Geeta, Chapters 1 - 18 Sunday, Decemeber 14, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

 Bharatiya Temple

1612  County Line Road, Chalfont, PA 18914: Phone # 215-997-1181
In celebration of Geeta Jayanti     
  Bhagavad Geeta Chanting: Chapters 1 - 18
Sunday, December 14, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Geeta Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Geeta, the sacred text of the Hindus. It is celebrated on the Shukla Ekadashi, 11th day of the waxing moon of Margashirsha month (November-December) in the Hindu calendar. “The Peace of God is with them whose Mind and Soul are in Harmony, who are free from the Desire & Wrath, who know their own Soul by Meditation.” Just as the Mahabharata battle was about to start, Arjuna told his friend Lord Krishna of his sudden change of heart, and turned to Him for advice. Bhagavad Geeta is the conversation that ensued. Lord Krishna advised Arjuna  to get up and fight. Arjuna was told to act like a surgeon. If a person has a serious tumor and if it is not cut out, it will harm the person and his family.  Arjuna’s fight was for Dharma.  He was fighting against exploitation and greed, which were represented by Duryodhana and his brothers.
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |
        मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि || . ४७ ||

(You have the right over your respective duty only, but no control or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not be your motive. You should never be inactive.)
Religious Committee members: Nand  and Shashi Todi (215) 699-0406; T.Sarada  (215) 674-9573; Padma ben:
215-362-7418,Yashoda Rathod:215-641-8091; Amit Doshi : 484-431-9769; Sanjiwan Soni 215-540-0979; Ajay Dedhia 484-431-0831  
 Saroja Sagaram :215-699-6367 Harnath Doddapaneni 215-442-1499 Mukesh Dave 215-996-2568 Niranjan Samant 215-393-1280
 More Info. Please contact: Praveen Sharma: 215-361-0145; Chetan Ranjan  : 215-393-0102
 Jahnavi Patel :610-584-9756; Neeta Gupta: 267-474-7474: Rita Sheth :610-275-7472,
 Mohana Padgaonkar  : 215-412-7085  ( for Halva prasad)
Please come over with your Bhagavad Geeta book and join the auspicious chanting
Please feel free to bring Flowers & Fruits. Halva Prasadam  &  Geeta chanting Sign your name