Thursday, November 13, 2014

In celebration of Geeta Jayanti Chanting Bhagavad Geeta, Chapters 1 - 18 Sunday, Decemeber 14, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM

 Bharatiya Temple

1612  County Line Road, Chalfont, PA 18914: Phone # 215-997-1181
In celebration of Geeta Jayanti     
  Bhagavad Geeta Chanting: Chapters 1 - 18
Sunday, December 14, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Geeta Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Geeta, the sacred text of the Hindus. It is celebrated on the Shukla Ekadashi, 11th day of the waxing moon of Margashirsha month (November-December) in the Hindu calendar. “The Peace of God is with them whose Mind and Soul are in Harmony, who are free from the Desire & Wrath, who know their own Soul by Meditation.” Just as the Mahabharata battle was about to start, Arjuna told his friend Lord Krishna of his sudden change of heart, and turned to Him for advice. Bhagavad Geeta is the conversation that ensued. Lord Krishna advised Arjuna  to get up and fight. Arjuna was told to act like a surgeon. If a person has a serious tumor and if it is not cut out, it will harm the person and his family.  Arjuna’s fight was for Dharma.  He was fighting against exploitation and greed, which were represented by Duryodhana and his brothers.
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |
        मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि || . ४७ ||

(You have the right over your respective duty only, but no control or claim over the results. The fruits of work should not be your motive. You should never be inactive.)
Religious Committee members: Nand  and Shashi Todi (215) 699-0406; T.Sarada  (215) 674-9573; Padma ben:
215-362-7418,Yashoda Rathod:215-641-8091; Amit Doshi : 484-431-9769; Sanjiwan Soni 215-540-0979; Ajay Dedhia 484-431-0831  
 Saroja Sagaram :215-699-6367 Harnath Doddapaneni 215-442-1499 Mukesh Dave 215-996-2568 Niranjan Samant 215-393-1280
 More Info. Please contact: Praveen Sharma: 215-361-0145; Chetan Ranjan  : 215-393-0102
 Jahnavi Patel :610-584-9756; Neeta Gupta: 267-474-7474: Rita Sheth :610-275-7472,
 Mohana Padgaonkar  : 215-412-7085  ( for Halva prasad)
Please come over with your Bhagavad Geeta book and join the auspicious chanting
Please feel free to bring Flowers & Fruits. Halva Prasadam  &  Geeta chanting Sign your name 

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