Friday, September 1, 2017

  Sunderkand Path
    (By Shri Atul Purohitji)
             Bharatiya Temple Inc.
1612 County Line Road, Chalfont, PA  
      Web Site: September,7th, 2017, 7:00 PM Thursday, 

   Sunderkand path by Shri Atul Purohitji

Bharatiya Temple Inc.
(Dinner will be served between 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM)
Mukhya Yajman: $501 Pothi Puja: $251
Prasad Sponsor: $101 Aarati: $51
                       Ma Parvathy asked, Lord Shiva, the greatness of Sundara Kanda in detail.” Lord shiva replied:  The SunderKand which is a fifth chapter in the 'Ram-Charit-Maanas', penned by Goswami Tulsidas.  It sings the praises of Shree Ram and gives a beautiful description of  Shree Ram's ambassador Hanuman's strength, knowledge and wisdom. Lots of people hesitate to read the Ramayana due to its lengthy duration. However, a quick alternative is the Sunderkand. When Lord Rama completed his leela and was ready to return to Vaikunt, then Hanumanjee requested to go with him. Lord Shree Ram then blessed Hanumanjee asking him to stay behind to assist his devotees on earth during this troubled period of Kaliyuga. Therefore wherever the sweet melodious words of Ramayana/Sunderkand are recited whole heartedly Lord Hanuman makes his presence prevails automatically. lt is a pious prayer highlighting the adventures of Lord Hanuman on the mission of locating Sitaji, and ensuring her release from Ravana.  The mantra's are a sound that creates the positive divine vibration. The Sunderkand is a flow of pious mantras.
      Sita  is the consort of Lord Rama(incarnation of Vishnu) and an avatar of Sri Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess that signify good sign, good fortune, prosperity, success, happiness.    Sita is known for her dedication, self-sacrifice, courage, and purity.   Sita is symbolic of Bhakti or devotion. To reach her one has to get into the wings of prayer and love. Hanumanji is now all ready to take the leap. Let us take the flight with him in search of Love incarnate. If you read this daily, you will be getting blessings of god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly, your finger will burn.  
           By reading or listening to Sundara Kanda with devotion, all the wishes are fulfilled, all dangers will vanish, all diseases will be cured and all types of wealth will grow. Especially it is the greatest panacea for those who suffer from great diseases, which cannot be cured by even divine medicines, would be cured completely by reading Sundara Kanda
             The SunderKand which is a chapter in the 'Ram-Charit-Maanas', penned by Goswami Tulsidas is considered to be as auspicious to read, as it is to recite the 'Hanuman Chaalisa'. In the Sunder-kand, Hanumanji is reminded by Jambavan about the fact that Hanumanji has great powers that the latter has no memory of. In this case Hanumanji is made to remember about the fact that he is capable of flying. Jambavan exhorted Hanuman to undertake the crossing of the Mighty Ocean. Hanumanji's flight was necessary to search for Sita who had been abducted by Raavan. Sita is symbolic of Bhakti or devotion. To reach her one has to don the wings of prayer and love. Hanumanji is now all ready to take the leap. Let us take the flight with him in search of Love incarnate. If you read this daily, you will be getting blessings of god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read this even unknowingly, you will be getting blessings of god.
                 Ma Parvathy asked, Lord Shiva - “ Oh, God of all beings, I would very much love to know from you, the greatness of Sundara Kanda in detail.” Sri Parameshwara replied: - “I would summarize the greatness of Sundara Kanda for you, because to tell in detail, only the great Lord Ramachandra is capable. Similar to the fact that God Rama is the greatest among Devas, similar to the fact that Kalpaga tree is greatest among trees, similar to the fact that the Kousthubha gem is greatest among gems, in Ramayana, Sundara Kanda is the greatest chapter. By reading or listening to Sundara Kanda with devotion, all the wishes are fulfilled, all dangers will vanish, all diseases will be cured and all types of wealth will grow. Especially it is the greatest panacea for those who suffer from great diseases.    Please hear its greatness, which I am telling you with attention. Please hear, the following ancient story, which tells about the greatness of Sundara Kanda . There was a great city called Kanchipuram in the earth and once upon a time it was ruled by Chola dynasty. Among those kings, there was a great king called Vamsankara who lived with his wife Manorama, He gave very many charities and did several fire sacrifices. He was devoted to the great temple of the city, which included the great Temple of Kamakshy and Ekamranatha and the temple of Varadaraja and ruled the state with efficiency. Unfortunately he was not blessed by any children. Once coming out of the temple of Kamakshy he saw a great sage entering the temple. He worshipped that sage and when enquired introduced himself. The sage asked him, in what way he would be able to help him and the king requested him to bless him to become a father. The sage told the king, that “In your previous birth you were a saintly Brahmin who lived in Rameswaram and worshipped in the temple daily .As a result you are born as the king of this country, Unfortunately in your previous birth, you did not allow your daughter to join her husband and become a mother due to some family conflict. This is the reason why you are not able to become a father.” He then requested the king and the queen to observe strict penance, give gold and silver as charities to Brahmins, and worship Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva daily. The king and the queen followed his advice and as a result a good son was born to them. They named him Balachandra and the prince grew up as an extremely learned and able man. When he became old, the king decided to give his kingdom to his son and make him his successor and retire to the forest. Unfortunately the terrible disease of Tuberculosis afflicted Balachandra. In spite of treatment by the foremost expert doctors of the world and daily prayers the prince was not cured. When the king and queen were terribly worried and knew not what to do, the sage who had earlier blessed them with the child came again to that city. The king and the Queen fell at his feet and requested him to cure the disease of the prince. The sage told, “ In his previous birth, your son stole the materials kept ready for the worship of Rama and enjoyed life and that is why he is cursed with this disease. But later realizing his sin, he daily read Ramayana and worshipped Rama and that is why he has been born to you. I would tell you, how to get rid of the effects of that sin. ” The king thanked him and wanted to know in detail as to what should be done.
The sage replied, Have the Idol of  Sri Rama accompanied by Sita and Hanuman. Worship this statue using Rama Sahasranamavali. Then read the entire Sundara Kanda. This worship and reading should start in the early morning and end at noon. A non fading ghee lamp also should be kept burning. This would cure even diseases which Aswini Devas (Doctors of Gods) cannot cure. This also could help you win a war or even help you in getting occult powers, if your son does this, his disease would definitely get cured.” That sage then disappeared. The king performed the above worship and the prince himself read the Sundara Kanda daily and was fully cured of the disease. Hey Devi, just by reading Sundara Kanda 68 times the prince was cured of a terrible disease. There are also many others who got rid of their illness by reading Sundara Kanda. So even if one is poor or not physically able, he should observe the Vritha of Sundara Kanda and get benefited.
 The sage replied, “ Construct a decorated Yaga sala and in its middle construct a square platform. Spread a white silk cloth in that stage. On that cloth, spread six measures of Paddy and on that half the quantity of raw rice. On that keep a golden vessel made of one pound of silver full of pearls. Cover that vessel with a silk cloth. On that keep a gold plate in which the Sri Rama Yantra is drawn. Over that keep the golden statue of Sri Rama accompanied by Sita and Hanuman. Worship this statue using Rama Sahasranamavali. Then read the entire Sundara Kanda. This worship and reading should start in the early morning and end at noon. A non fading ghee lamp also should be kept burning for 68 days and the above procedure should be repeated 68 times. On each day, Payasam should be prepared and offered to God Rama. Though this is the best, completing the repetition 68 times can also be done in four months. It is best for the individual himself to read the Sundara Kanda, and it is of medium effect if it is got read by single Brahmin, and worse if it is got read by many Brahmins. After completing the above, The Yudha Kanda should be completely read either by 5 or 6 days. All the 73 days, in the evening a great scholar should retell the stories of Sundara Kanda. This would cure even diseases which Aswini Devas (Doctors of Gods) cannot cure. This also could help you win a war or even help you in getting occult powers, if your son does this, his disease would definitely get cured.” That sage then disappeared. The king performed the above worship and the prince himself read the Sundara Kanda daily and was fully cured of the disease. Hey Devi, just by reading Sundara Kanda 68 times the prince was cured of a terrible disease. There are also many others who got rid of their illness by reading Sundara Kanda. So even if one is poor or not physically able, he should observe the Vritha of Sundara Kanda and get benefited. There are also other methods of reading Sundara Kanda.
Program Committee:
 Sanjiwan Soni:215-540-0979: Yashoda Rathod:215-641-8091;
 Rita Sheth:610-275-7472; Neeta Gupta:267-474-7474;Pushpa Vij:424-634-0305
Praveen Sharma: 732-595-6801; Usha Arya:215-591-9148;Umesh Tambi:215-275-1527

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